Princeton Area Alumni Association

Post: Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Princeton

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Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Princeton

Monday, November 11, 6:30 - 9:00 PM
at the Princeton Club of NY
15 West 43rd St., New York, NY

Have you ever wondered how technology moves from a university lab to the market? Or how the technology gets invented in the first place? To learn more about innovation at Princeton, please join us for what promises to be a lively panel discussion with four faculty members whose areas of expertise range from online learning, to nanotechnology-enabled approaches to biointerfacing materials, to wireless communications, to mid-infrared photonics with a focus on quantum cascade lasers, to social networks, to leadership education in this technological world. We look forward to learning more about these exciting areas of innovation, research and entrepreneurship.

A cocktail reception begins at 6:30PM.  The introduction by Vincent Poor, Dean of Princeton's School for Engineering and Applied Science, begins at 7:30PM.  The panel discussion will immediately follow Dean Poor's introduction.  Please register as soon as possible (see register buttons below).  Space is limited!

Our distinguished panel includes the following Princeton faculty members:

H. Vincent Poor
(introductory remarks and panel moderator)
Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Michael Henry Strater Professor of Electrical Engineering

Mung Chiang
Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering
“Innovating Information Networks: From Theorems to Startups”

Claire Gmachl
Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering
“Sensors to Monitor Health and the Environment”

Michael McAlpine
Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
“Building a Bionic Ear”

Full panelist biographies can be downloaded here

In addition to the Princeton Area Alumni Association, this event is co-sponsored by the following groups:

?   Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Northern New Jersey, Rockland & Orange Counties

?   Princeton Association of New York City

?   Princeton Association of Fairfield County

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Westchester

?   Princeton Club of Northwestern New Jersey

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Essex and Hudson Counties

?   Princeton Club of New York

Related Events

Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Princeton ( Monday, November 11, 2013 - 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM )
Location: Princeton Club of NY, NYC
Cost: $20

Posted by Princeton AAA over 11 years ago.