Princeton Area Alumni Association

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PWN Entrepreneurship Program

PWN Entrepreneurship Program - Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the Year?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 7:30 - 9 pm via Zoom

A new year always brings dreams and apprehensions about what lies ahead. Is 2022 the year to look at where your work life is going?

Many people are confronted with the realities of working from home, child education and care, isolation, or job loss. Some have already decided that working for themselves is a better option. But it’s complicated, and you will need a plan, whether you start a new profession, buy a franchise business, or form a new company.

The Princeton Women’s Network of the Princeton Area is pleased to offer “Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the year?” on Wednesday, January 19, 7:30 – 9 pm. Lorette Pruden *81, PhD, founder of Inventive Strategies, business coach, and author of the book Formerly Corporate: Mindset Shifts for Success in Your Own Business, will share the key things to consider as you navigate the move from employee to entrepreneur.

Attendees will leave with a better sense of what it takes to start and succeed in a new business venture. They will also receive a free chapter from Lorette’s book and an opportunity for a free 30-minute coaching session.

This program is free to join. Zoom details will be shared with those who register via the Register link below.

Questions? Contact Diane Hasling ’79, PWN Princeton Area Chair

Register: Register for Presentation

Short Bio of the Speaker:

Working at the intersection of business and people processes, Lorette Pruden, *81, has helped hundreds of small business owners and start-up entrepreneurs. Many of those clients turned from the corporate world to build businesses of their own.

Lorette earned a Princeton PhD with a Mobil Incentive Fellowship, and is a chemical engineer and entrepreneur.

Lorette helps clients with the transition from working for others to building a successful business. With her latest book, Formerly Corporate: Mindset Shifts for Success in Your Own Business, she lays out the path for the erstwhile employee to become a successful business owner.


Related Events

PWN Entrepreneurship Program ( Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

PWN Entrepreneurship Program – Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the Year?
Presentation by Lorette Pruden *81, PhD.

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PWN

Posted by dhasling almost 3 years ago.


September 2021 Propeller






Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


7 P, EASTERN TIME (USA) -- TUESDAY, September 14th, 2021

“Prevention of Myopia & Treatment of Metabolic Disorders:
Surprising New Roles for Light-Based Disease Therapies”
Speaker: Richard A Lang
Director, Visual Systems Group
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


The evolution of plant and animal light-detecting systems have, over time, conferred adaptive advantages ---
the most obvious being animals’ ability to decode photon information for object-identification. The lightsensing
proteins that enable this feat of light-detection and mediate the body’s response to it, are called opsins.
Recently, new opsin-dependent light-sensing pathways have been discovered, which have impacts on non-visual
systems (e.g., skin, brain, fat cells, body rhythms, metabolism). After a review of the underlying developmental
biology, our speaker will describe these new opsin pathways; show how their disruption impacts health; and
explore design innovations in lighting systems to: prevent myopia, affecting more than 2 billion people
worldwide; and offer new treatment modalities for obesity, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.


To receive the Zoom link, please register by September 12th:

NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 (7 P)

Related Events

September 2021 Propeller ( Tuesday, September 14, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )

“Prevention of Myopia & Treatment of Metabolic Disorders: Surprising New Roles for Light-Based Disease Therapies”

Location: Zoom
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift about 3 years ago.


May 2021 Propeller






Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


7 P, EASTERN TIME (USA) -- TUESDAY, May 11th, 2021
“Transforming Medical Logistics with Drones:
Bringing Health Products to Africa, the US & Beyond”

Speaker: Whitney H Huang

Embedded Software Engineer, Zipline International

The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and war have rendered the timely delivery of vaccines, blood, medicines, personal protective equipment, food and other critical supplies --- more urgent than ever. Yet, often the only way to get such desperately needed items safely through to their destinations is with delivery drones. What recent technical advances in the design, testing and deployment of such UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) are making this possible? Our speaker will delve into aspects of Zipline’s rapid, integration-level testing that include: HITL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) testing; a Fault Injection testing system that induces pathological failure modes (in-flight); her software for a Motor Pod End-of-Line tester; and embedded and backend software for Zipline’s Launcher system. The company is a major deliverer of blood products to Rwanda and Ghana, and runs more than 200 flights/day halfway around the world, 24/7. To help accomplish this, Whitney became a certified Flight Operator and Controller, with FAA Part 107

ZOOM LINK will be sent to the first 300 who register by May 9th at

NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, June 8 th 2021 (7 P)

Related Events

May 2021 Propeller ( Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )

“Transforming Medical Logistics with Drones: Bringing Health Products to Africa, the US and Beyond”

Location: Virtual
Cost: Donations welcome
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.


March 2021 Propeller

This event has been recorded and may be seen here








Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres  


Tuesday, March 9th 2021 at 7pm EST

“Offshore Aquaculture & World Protein Demand:  Commercial Incentives to Fulfill Conservation Imperatives”

Speaker:  Neil Anthony Sims, Founder & CEO, Ocean-Era, Inc.


For registration please go here.



Demand for fish and seafood is the world’s fastest growing protein food sector.  Indeed, the authors of the 2019 UN High Level Panel on the Oceans and Climate Change urged human transition from terrestrial to more marine-sourced foods.  But with wild stock fisheries already at their peak (and possibly beyond), how do we achieve this?  Can we really build a healthier environment and have our fish and eat it, too?  Responsible open ocean aquaculture offers solutions.  With decades of experience in tackling these issues, aquaculture pioneer, Neil Sims, p’17, from his operations base in Kona, Hawaii, will present:  a history of open ocean aquaculture; current commercial incentives that are driving it; and the technical innovations Ocean-Era employs to balance marine protein demand with environmental concerns.   There will be ample time for Q & A, with priority given to viewer questions sent in advance to:


THE ZOOM LINK will be sent to the first 300 who register by March 7th

 NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, April 13th 2021 (7 PM)

Related Events

March 2021 Propeller ( Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: Virtual
Cost: Donations welcome
Organized by: BFG

Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.


Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid



Join us for the first 2021 installment of the A4P “Leadership: Mindsets and Pathways” Speaker Series: “Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid” on Tuesday, January 19th at 8 PM EST.

 This fascinating event spotlights these alumni physicians:

 Anita Gupta *18 - Anesthesiologist, Faculty at Johns Hopkins Medical School and FDA Advisory Member

Bon Ku *09 - Director, Health Design Lab and Professor of Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University

Audrey Li ‘13 - Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School

 They will share their experiences as physicians during this challenging time and their perspectives as Asian Americans.  Please submit questions and attend to participate in a lively Q&A. We're again having our popular pre-session breakout room, at 7:45 PM EST so that you can mingle and socialize.  Register now!

 Registration button below.  Zoom instructions are in the registration acknowledgement.  

Register by Jan 18

Problems registering?  Email with name, class year, subject line: A4P 0119.


Speaker Bios


Dr. Anita Gupta *18 is faculty of anesthesiology and critical care medicine and pain medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her areas of clinical expertise include pain medicine, health policy, biotechnology, drug development, corporate and government affairs. Dr. Gupta completed her residency in anesthesiology at Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington DC and her pain fellowship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She received her doctorate in pharmacy from Rutgers University, New Jersey. Dr. Gupta completed her master’s in public policy and health policy from Princeton University’s School of International Affairs, and her medical school at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Among, her many professional activities, Dr. Gupta serves as a board of director of public and private sector organizations, serves an appointed member of the National Academies of Sciences Global Forum, National Quality Forum, and serves as a Food and Drug Administration advisor. She is named a 2020 Global Emerging Leader and a 2020 Top 100 Most Inspiring Leader and is an active member of a number of professional organizations including the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Society of Regional Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and The Milken Institute Faster Cures Business Council.


Dr. Bon Ku *09 is the Director of the Health Design Lab at Thomas Jefferson University where he created the first design thinking program at a medical school. He is a Professor of Emergency Medicine, the Associate Dean for Health & Design and a practicing clinician. His work toward redesigning healthcare has been featured in The New York Times, CNBC, Architectural Digest and Fast Company. Dr. Ku has spoken at conferences, academic medical centers and universities around the world: SXSW, TEDx, Yale School of Management, American Institute of Architects and Singapore Design Week. Dr. Ku is the host of the Design Lab Podcast, co-wrote the book, Health Design Thinking, with Ellen Lupton and was a regular panelist on the primetime television show Chasing the Cure.


Dr. Audrey Li ‘13 is Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. A proud alumnus of Princeton University and SUNY Downstate Medical Center, she will complete residency in 2021 and is thrilled to continue on at BIDMC for infectious diseases fellowship thereafter. Her passions are in health justice and care for the underserved, and she plans to eventually practice in infectious diseases at the interface of addiction medicine.

A4P Governing Board - Nancy Lin ’77, Douglas Chin ’83, Mokyou Hyun ’97, Pei-Ting Sarah Chou *05, Dan Joa ’77, Anu Vedantham *94, Arati Johnston '84, Chris Loh ’86, Debra Yu ’86, Greg Wong ’02, Jasmine Ueng-McHale ’97, Jenny Korn ’96, Kevin Wong ’05, Linda Jan *13, Lindie Wang ’14, Shikha Uberoi Bajpai ’13


A4P Advisors - April Chou ’96, Arka Mukherjee *95, Joyce Chen Shueh ’96, Michael Chow ’04, Minerva Yeung *96, Mo Chen ’80, Vitus Lau ’79, YS Chi ’83


Related Events

Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid ( Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM )
Location: Zoom
Organized by: A4P

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.
