Ballet in Lawrenceville
 This production has MANY Princeton connections. Check out the Town Topics article. AMERICAN REPERTORY BALLET PRINCETON BALLET SCHOOL |
Join us as we kick off an exciting year! | As August comes to a close, we are looking forward to kicking off American Repertory Ballet's 2014-2015 performance season.
We invite you to join us in the theatre this September!
To purchase tickets, click here, select the 20th as your preferred date, enter the number of tickets you would like to purchase at this discounted rate, and enter the promo code PA3 in the right column.
See ARB perform at Rider University in Lawrenceville
| Saturday, September 20 at 7:30pm followed by a special chance to meet that dancers after the performance! | Alice Cao and Cameron Auble-Branigan performing Trinette Singleton's Dreams Interrupted; Photo Credit: Leighton Chen |
American Repertory Ballet returns to Rider University's Bart Luedeke Center this September to present its Fall Kick-Off Performance weekend.Please join us for an evening of compelling, dynamic works, featuring a large range of movement styles, narrative voices, and musical genres.ARB's Fall Kick-Off Performance will feature: Our Town (choreographed by Philip Jerry, Princeton class of '95), Fantasy Baroque, Dreams Interrupted, and Confetti. Click here to learn more about this performance.
Tickets are $10 for a group of 10 or more.
Click here, select the 20th as your preferred date, enter the number of tickets you would like to purchase at this discounted rate, and enter the promo code PA3 in the right column.
Contact Alexis Branagan, Director of Marketing and PR at ARB and Princeton class of '11, to arrange tickets: |
Related Events
ARB Our Town $10 tickets (
Saturday, September 20, 2014 - 7:30 PM to
9:30 PM
Location: Rider University
Posted by Princeton AAA over 10 years ago.