May '19 Propeller

Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres
6 P, TUESDAY, May 14th, 2019
Speaker: Andrew Ippoliti
Technical Lead, BotFactory
“Re-Shaping the Electronic Board Manufacturing Industry:
Making It Better, Faster, Smarter”
While electronics surround us, and innovations occur daily, the actual process of manufacturing electronic devices has changed little in recent decades. So, now may be the time to ask: has the process plateaued? Might electronics be made with more speed, reliability and ease? And --- is it really necessary to rely on so-called experts to manufacture them? The answers may surprise you! BotFactory, an NYC startup, develops desktop machines which not only democratize the creation of electronic boards, but do so with a technology that enables board fabrication by non-experts. Their lead developer, Andrew Ippoliti, will describe just how BotFactory does it. Following a broad historical review of electronic circuit board manufacturing, Andrew’s talk will take us into the rapidly evolving realm of future electronic board fabrication.
Registration Required via
NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, June 11th (6 P)
Related Events
May Propeller (Second Tuesday) (
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 6:00 PM to
9:00 PM
Speaker: Andrew Ippoliti, Technical Lead, BotFactory
“Re-Shaping the Electronic Board Manufacturing Industry:
Making It Better, Faster, Smarter”
While electronics surround us, and innovations occur daily, the actual process of manufacturing electronic devices has changed little in recent decades. So, now may be the time to ask: has the process plateaued? Might electronics be made with more speed, reliability and ease? And --- is it really necessary to rely on so-called experts to manufacture them? The answers may surprise you! BotFactory, an NYC startup, develops desktop machines which not only democratize the creation of electronic boards, but do so with a technology that enables board fabrication by non-experts. Their lead developer, Andrew Ippoliti, will describe just how BotFactory does it. Following a broad historical review of electronic circuit board manufacturing, Andrew’s talk will take us into the rapidly evolving realm of future electronic board fabrication.
Registration Required via
Location: Quadrangle Club, 33 Prospect St., Princeton, NJ 08540
Cost: Free, Donations Gratefully Accepted
Organized by: Princeton Area Alumni Association
Posted by Teegger almost 6 years ago.
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
The Central/Southern NJ Committee for the Princeton Prize in Race Relations is proud to announce this year’s winners.
2019 Award Winner
Kayla Webster, Senior Washington Township High School
Leader of the 200-student protest against racism which set in motion the installment of the “No Place for Hate” program and the charter of a student led NAACP chapter
2019 Certificate Winners
Shomari Hollis and Nabia Evans, Seniors, Notre Dame High School
Co-Presidents, African American Club retreat for Students/Administrators
Simone Williams, Junior, Delran High School
Organizer of Diversity Club for Students
Bella Brewer, Senior, Hamilton High School W
Founder, Cultural Awareness Society
Dami Adijun, Senior, Hamilton High School W
Organizer of High School Exchange program
Our Central/Southern NJ region received a record number of outstanding applications this year.
This year’s Award Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st from 6pm-8pm at Maclean House. All are invited to attend.
The 2019 Princeton Prize Symposium on Race is scheduled April 25-27. The Symposium gives prize recipients from all regions
the opportunity to meet like-minded students from across the country and to engage in meaningful discussions about race and
race relations. Winners will present their project to Princeton University students, alumni and also to fellow winners.
Related Events
Princeton Prize in Race Relations (
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 - 6:00 PM to
8:00 PM
The Central/Southern NJ Committee for the Princeton Prize in Race Relations is proud to celebrate this year’s high school winners at a ceremony at Maclean House.
Location: Maclean House, Princeton University
Posted by frankederby almost 6 years ago.
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab tour
This event has been postponed until later this year. Please check back for updates.
Posted by frankederby almost 6 years ago.
April 2019 Propeller

Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres
6 p.m., TUESDAY, April 9th, 2019
Speaker: Evan J Conte, MD
Trenton Orthopaedic Group at the Rothman Institute
“Pioneering Techniques in Shoulder Replacement:
Past, Present and Future”
In 1893 Paris, the first shoulder replacement was performed on a 37 year-old man with destructive tuberculosis of the shoulder joint. From this experimental last resort, using a simple but ingenious design of platinum and natural rubber, shoulder replacement has become a common and routine surgery. It has transformed from an initial indication to treat degeneration of a joint to a solution for complex fractures and even failed rotator cuff tears. After reviewing the anatomy, history and biomechanics involved, shoulder surgeon Evan Conte will discuss the future of shoulder replacement and, in particular, how it will incorporate advances in computer-aided design, biomedical imaging and 3D printing to enable patient-specific approaches to complex pathologies.
Registration Required via
Related Events
April Princeton Propellers (
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 6:00 PM to
8:00 PM
Speaker: Evan J Conte, MD, Trenton Orthopaedic Group at the Rothman Institute
“Pioneering Techniques in Shoulder Replacement: Past, Present and Future”
Location: Quadrangle Club, 33 Prospect
Posted by frankederby almost 6 years ago.
First Friday Lunch - April 5, 2019
Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents. On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton. As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting. Topics vary monthly and are always interesting! Have a look at our impressive roster of previous luncheons.

A native of Angers, France, Matthieu Dutil is a first-year Ph.D. Student in the Department of French and Italian at Princeton University. His interests lie at the intersection of literature and science in texts written by naturalist philosophers in the eighteenth century, with a focus on animal studies, in particular the study of insects (entomology). As a first-year student, Matthieu has not yet decided on a topic for his thesis, but he still has an idea of where his interests are leading him. Focusing on the genre of science fiction, Matthieu aims to understand the epistemological questions involved in the writing of such a literature, as well as the impact that it can have in scientific fields. Focusing on the study of insects, Matthieu wants to understand science fiction in a larger way and therefore wants to confront texts from the eighteenth century and contemporary novels to understand the legacy of a particular way of writing that led to what we call today science fiction.
Matthieu received a B.A. in English Literature with honors from the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (Catholic University of the West) in his hometown, and an M.A. in French Literature from The University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
Please join us! As always, there is sure to be a lively discussion.
Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues),
lunch includes an appetizer, entree, dessert and coffee/tea.
Wine/beer offered a la carte - select Enhanced Lunch Ticket on the PayPal button below.
Pre-registration is required, by 9am on the day of the luncheon.
Date: Friday, April 5, 2019
Time: 12 noon - 2 pm
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Nassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.
Dress is business casual.
>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<
Related Events
First Friday Luncheon (
Friday, April 5, 2019 - 12:00 PM to
2:00 PM
Matthieu Dutil, PhD Candidate, Dept of French and Italian will discuss his work on Entymology in 18 century French literature.
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton
Cost: $25/person dues-paying mbrs; $30 others
Organized by: PA3
Posted by lydia almost 6 years ago.