Princeton Area Alumni Association

Careers & Networking

This committee conducts career networking events aimed at connecting alumni to each other, to students, and to the... (More)

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Alumni Corps Update

announces 4 meaningful volunteer positions in the greater Princeton Area; 6 in the NYC

here for more information.

ARC Innovators

Apply Expertise.  Renew Commitment. Create Change

ARC Innovators connects experienced Princeton alumni with our nonprofit partner organizations.  Innovators apply their expertise to complete short term impactful projects that will create lasting change in the organization.  ARC Innovators bring their experience and perspective to ongoing issues and projects in nonprofit organizations. 

Posted by Princeton AAA almost 11 years ago.


Global NetNight 2014

One night. One focus. Princetonians around the world.

On Tuesday, February 25, the Princeton Area Alumni Association [PA3] will be one of many regional associations hosting a local, in-person, networking event as part of “Princeton Global NetNight 2014: Mentoring and Beyond: Developing Long-term Professional Relationships,”   at 6:30 PM at Princeton AlumniCorps, 12 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540.  In order to have a raucous but productive interactive evening, we have recruited leaders across a 45-year span of Princeton experience:

Paul Nehring ’10, formerly of, a technology-facilitated mentoring program serving over 3000 students from low-income neighborhoods, is currently Program Manager at Princeton AlumniCorps.

Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman ’81 holds a PhD in biochemistry and biophysics.  She played a major role in developing the 2014 NetNight program and the mentoring program of Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWISE).  She owns OMAR, a consulting firm.

Rick Ober ’65 is currently General Counsel and Secretary of Isles, Inc., a Trenton nonprofit.  He serves as a mentor in the Yale Law Women Mentorship program and Co-Facilitated Trinity Jobseekers for 9 years.

The cost is $5 for those who RSVP in advance, $10 at the door for those of you who worry about the weather and will only show up if it's balmy.  PayPal/Credit Card Button below.  For troglodytes, if you must mail a check, please make it payable to the Princeton Area Alumni Association [please put NetNight on the Memo line], and send it to our Treasurer, Fouad J. Masrieh *69 

Fouad J. Masrieh
1009 Barclay Blvd
Princeton, NJ 08540

Related Events

Global NetNight 2014 ( Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM )
Location: Princeton AlumniCorps, 12 Stockton St., Princeton 08540
Cost: $5 in advance, $10 at door
Organized by: Princeton Alumni Association Careers Committee

Posted by rober almost 11 years ago.


Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Princeton

Monday, November 11, 6:30 - 9:00 PM
at the Princeton Club of NY
15 West 43rd St., New York, NY

Have you ever wondered how technology moves from a university lab to the market? Or how the technology gets invented in the first place? To learn more about innovation at Princeton, please join us for what promises to be a lively panel discussion with four faculty members whose areas of expertise range from online learning, to nanotechnology-enabled approaches to biointerfacing materials, to wireless communications, to mid-infrared photonics with a focus on quantum cascade lasers, to social networks, to leadership education in this technological world. We look forward to learning more about these exciting areas of innovation, research and entrepreneurship.

A cocktail reception begins at 6:30PM.  The introduction by Vincent Poor, Dean of Princeton's School for Engineering and Applied Science, begins at 7:30PM.  The panel discussion will immediately follow Dean Poor's introduction.  Please register as soon as possible (see register buttons below).  Space is limited!

Our distinguished panel includes the following Princeton faculty members:

H. Vincent Poor
(introductory remarks and panel moderator)
Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Michael Henry Strater Professor of Electrical Engineering

Mung Chiang
Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering
“Innovating Information Networks: From Theorems to Startups”

Claire Gmachl
Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering
“Sensors to Monitor Health and the Environment”

Michael McAlpine
Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
“Building a Bionic Ear”

Full panelist biographies can be downloaded here

In addition to the Princeton Area Alumni Association, this event is co-sponsored by the following groups:

?   Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Northern New Jersey, Rockland & Orange Counties

?   Princeton Association of New York City

?   Princeton Association of Fairfield County

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Westchester

?   Princeton Club of Northwestern New Jersey

?   Princeton Alumni Association of Essex and Hudson Counties

?   Princeton Club of New York

Related Events

Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Princeton ( Monday, November 11, 2013 - 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM )
Location: Princeton Club of NY, NYC
Cost: $20

Posted by Princeton AAA about 11 years ago.


What Career Services Can Do For Alumni-And What Alumni Can Do For Career Services

What Princeton Career Services Can Do For Alumni-And What Alumni Can Do For Career Services.

The Office of Career Services continues to support Tigers after they leave Princeton whether you are a recent alum thinking about graduate or professional school or a new position, or a more experienced professional in the process of planning for a career change or career transition. Come hear more about it from Beverly Hamilton-Chandler, Director, and Kathleen Mannheimer, Senior Associate Director of Career Services on Wednesday, December 11 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in their offices at 36 University Place, Suite 200 – Second Floor.

Career counselors can assist you in:

·         Self-exploration to identify your unique goals, including administration of career assessments

·         Researching industries and possible career choices

·         Setting goals and strategies for job search success

·         Connecting with other alumni through alumni events, or using the Alumni Careers Network

·         Exploring graduate or professional school

·         Developing or updating your resume, cover letter, or other application documents

There are also a number of ways that Career Services puts alumni in touch with each other and current Princeton students. Through the Alumni Careers Network and the Princeternship Program, alumni can offer to serve as career mentors to those interested in their professions and industries by offering advice by phone or email, or a an opportunity to visit their workplaces for 1-3 days. It also provide free posting services for alumni to advertise job and internship opportunities to Princeton students. Alumni can also post positions for other alumni as well as sign up to view job-postings through one of the on-line job-posting systems.



Related Events

What Career Services Can Do For Alumni-And What Alumni Can Do For Career Services ( Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: 36 University Place, Suite 200 2nd Fl
Cost: free
Organized by: PA3

Posted by rober about 11 years ago.


Purpose, Passion and a Plan: Building a Bridge to Your Next Opportunity

Purpose, Passion, and a Plan:

Building a Bridge to Your Next Opportunity



Princeton AlumniCorps invites you to join us for a networking reception and conversation featuring Marci Alboher, author of the Encore Career Handbook, from 6-8 pm on 11/14 at the Princeton Club in NYC.


  • Are you looking to use your skills for a cause you care about?
  • Do you want to explore opportunities in the non-profit/public interest world? 
  • Are you in career transition, out of work, retired, or taking time out for family?


Connect with pro bono projects and career opportunities in the social sector through AlumniCorps’ Community Volunteers program. Representatives from a diverse range of nonprofit organizations who are looking for your skill set will be at the event. Use this networking opportunity and conversation to learn from others who are devoting their time and talent to make a difference.

Encore Book


Featuring a conversation with Marci Alboher, author of The Encore Career Handbook & VP,, a national nonprofit promoting second acts for the greater good. Moderated by Anne Tergesen '86, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal.

Panelists include: 

  • Della Britton Baeza ’75, President & CEO of the Jackie Robinson Foundation and former entertainment lawyer
  • Bill Woodrow ’70, Community Volunteer for the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC), who is using his experience in marketing and project management to build PEEC’s capacity
  • Sharon Keld ’80, Development Officer at Princeton AlumniCorps and former Peace Corps volunteer and marketing professional

When:       Thursday, November 14, 2013, 6:00-8:00 pm ?

Where:      The Princeton Club, 15 West 43rd Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues

RSVP:         Click here to register by October 31

Contact: with questions.


Space is limited so be sure to sign up early!

Sponsored jointly by Princeton AlumniCorps,, the Class of ’71 Legacy Initiative, and the Princeton Club 

Related Events

Purpose, Passion and a Plan: Building a Bridge to Your Next Opportunity ( Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Princeton Club of New York
Organized by: Princeton AlumniCorps, Princeton Club of New York

Posted by rober over 11 years ago.
