Princeton Area Alumni Association

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May '19 Propeller









Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres




6 P, TUESDAY, May 14th, 2019


Speaker:  Andrew Ippoliti


Technical Lead, BotFactory


“Re-Shaping the Electronic Board Manufacturing Industry: 

Making It Better, Faster, Smarter”


While electronics surround us, and innovations occur daily, the actual process of manufacturing electronic devices has changed little in recent decades.  So, now may be the time to ask:  has the process plateaued?  Might electronics be made with more speed, reliability and ease?  And --- is it really necessary to rely on so-called experts to manufacture them?  The answers may surprise you!  BotFactory, an NYC startup, develops desktop machines which not only democratize the creation of electronic boards, but do so with a technology that enables board fabrication by non-experts.   Their lead developer, Andrew Ippoliti, will describe just how BotFactory does it.  Following a broad historical review of electronic circuit board manufacturing, Andrew’s talk will take us into the rapidly evolving realm of future electronic board fabrication.


Registration Required via


NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER:  Tuesday, June 11th (6 P)

Related Events

May Propeller (Second Tuesday) ( Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM )

Speaker: Andrew Ippoliti, Technical Lead, BotFactory

“Re-Shaping the Electronic Board Manufacturing Industry:
Making It Better, Faster, Smarter”

While electronics surround us, and innovations occur daily, the actual process of manufacturing electronic devices has changed little in recent decades. So, now may be the time to ask: has the process plateaued? Might electronics be made with more speed, reliability and ease? And --- is it really necessary to rely on so-called experts to manufacture them? The answers may surprise you! BotFactory, an NYC startup, develops desktop machines which not only democratize the creation of electronic boards, but do so with a technology that enables board fabrication by non-experts. Their lead developer, Andrew Ippoliti, will describe just how BotFactory does it. Following a broad historical review of electronic circuit board manufacturing, Andrew’s talk will take us into the rapidly evolving realm of future electronic board fabrication.

Registration Required via

Location: Quadrangle Club, 33 Prospect St., Princeton, NJ 08540
Cost: Free, Donations Gratefully Accepted
Organized by: Princeton Area Alumni Association

Posted by Teegger almost 6 years ago.


Princeton Plasma Physics Lab tour

This event has been postponed until later this year. Please check back for updates.

Posted by frankederby almost 6 years ago.


April 2019 Propeller







Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


6 p.m., TUESDAY, April 9th, 2019

Speaker:  Evan J Conte, MD

Trenton Orthopaedic Group at the Rothman Institute

“Pioneering Techniques in Shoulder Replacement: 

Past, Present and Future”

In 1893 Paris, the first shoulder replacement was performed on a 37 year-old man with destructive tuberculosis of the shoulder joint.  From this experimental last resort, using a simple but ingenious design of platinum and natural rubber, shoulder replacement has become a common and routine surgery.  It has transformed from an initial indication to treat degeneration of a joint to a solution for complex fractures and even failed rotator cuff tears.  After reviewing the anatomy, history and biomechanics involved, shoulder surgeon Evan Conte will discuss the future of shoulder replacement and, in particular, how it will incorporate advances in computer-aided design, biomedical imaging and 3D printing to enable patient-specific approaches to complex pathologies.

Registration Required via

NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER:  Tuesday, May 14th (6 P)

Related Events

April Princeton Propellers ( Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )

Speaker: Evan J Conte, MD, Trenton Orthopaedic Group at the Rothman Institute
“Pioneering Techniques in Shoulder Replacement: Past, Present and Future”

Location: Quadrangle Club, 33 Prospect

Posted by frankederby almost 6 years ago.


Princeton University Solar Collector Field Tour

Princeton University's Solar Collector Field can only seen from the Dinky, and since that is not running, come with us on a private tour!!

Friday April 12 @ 4:00pm
With 16,528 photovoltaic panels covering 27 acres, Princeton‘s solar collector field is among the largest single installations at a U.S. college or university.  The project site is located on land adjacent to Princeton‘s main campus between the New Jersey Transit "Dinky" spur line.  The project was built on land that holds the “spoils” from dredging Lake Carnegie back in the 1970s, so it would have been quite challenging to farm or locate a building there. 
Princeton University’s Solar Field is now even more sustainable thanks to a fleecy flock that keeps the 27 acres trim and tidy. The new ewe system is a creative and economical way to keep grass and weeds from reducing the efficiency of the photovoltaic panels that provide solar energy to campus. The 75 Katahdin sheep have been dining out at solar fields in the state for years!
Our tour is slated for Friday April 12 at 4:00pm.   Space is limited, so please let us know if you are interested by Tuesday April 2nd.    Send your name to Tom at so we can reserve your space.  Upon receipt, we will send you all the pertinent details as to where to meet!  Kids are welcome but alas, our furry friends would probably not do to well with the sheep!!

Related Events

Tour of Princeton University Solar Fields ( Friday, April 12, 2019 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM )

Come along with PA3 for a private tour of the Princeton University Solar Field. Contact Tom at

Location: Princeton University
Cost: tbd
Organized by: PA3 & Princeton University Facilities

Posted by Teegger almost 6 years ago.


Nassau Hall Faculty Room Tour


You Have Never Seen Nassau Hall Like This!

Please join us as PA3 presents an exclusive, private, and guided visit to Princeton’s Faculty Room in Nassau Hall on Tuesday, April 30 from 5 -6 pm. Open free of charge to all PA3 members* but rsvp required by Monday, April 29. Rsvp to

The Faculty Room in Nassau Hall has been called “the symbolic center of the university” by Professor Karl Kusserow, author of “Inner Sanctum, Memory and Meaning in Princeton’s Faculty Room” and John Wilmerding Curator of American Art at the University Art Museum. The portraits displayed there “create a distinct historical narrative” and their story is echoed in the room itself. Professor Kusserow will lead us through an exploration of the history and significance of one of  the most iconic spaces on the Princeton campus – and one which many alumni have never seen. Portraits of George Washington at the Battle of Princeton, of James Madison, John Witherspoon and of other past Princeton presidents back to our origins as a college -- not to mention those of England’s King George II and of William of Nassau -- will delight and inform PA3 members. Open to all PA3 members (*Annual membership starts at $20 for Young Alumni. To join, go to: and please remember to RSVP.

Related Events

Nassau Hall Faculty Room Tour ( Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM )

Did you know the Continental Congress, having fled Philadelphia out of fear that soldiers demanding back pay might riot, met in Nassau Hall, making it temporarily the capitol of the United States in 1783?

Come learn many more fascinating facts on this private tour by Professor Karl Kusserow.

Free to PA3 Members. More info at Posting link below. RSVP to George at

Location: Nassau Hall, Nassau Street at Witherspoon, Princeton, NJ 08540
Cost: Free to Members
Organized by: Princeton Area Alumni Association

Posted by Teegger almost 6 years ago.
